Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Trip to Lovely Wickenburg (Sarcasm!)

About four weeks ago, Sara and I went to Wickenburg, Ariz., with my family for a little day trip to the Vulture Mine, which is this old mine that was abandoned and turned into a tourist attraction. Well, not long after that Sara got pummeled with order after order from EssBee's Bakery, her new bakery endeavor. Needless to say, she's been swamped and has been unable to post of our wonderful trip to Wickenburg. I pestered her and everything, but it was either type or bake ... and she chose wisely.

So now here I am many weeks for a brief photo essay about Wickenburg. Enjoy!

(By the way, all photos are clickable!)


In one of the old mine shacks was a large kitchen. I told Sara to imagine baking in one of these ovens. Her face is her response: "No, thank you."


I told Sara to steal that muffin tin and use it for her customers. The little kleptomaniac STOLE it! (Just kidding.) And that guy with the goofy shadow ... that's me.


I'm kinda bummed, Sara and I didn't have a single photo taken of us together. Instead you get me in my Hero Pose apparently and Sara trying to loosen this old drill press with her bulging muscles.


We found these old cars behind one of the buildings. Sara took a photo of me climbing through the windshield of one of them; I'll spare you that shot.


"Penetrating Oil: A Spring Lubricant"?!?! What were these miners doing at the mine? Well, apparently they weren't taking spelling lessons as you can tell from the "gold paning" sign.


People were actually hung from this tree that Sara is standing under. I told her not to look so happy for the photo, after all we were under a hanging tree.


This is my beautiful niece Bristol. She's six months old and ADORABLE! (And I use that word only sparingly so you know I mean it.) We had to tell her alcohol was bad, the little boozehound. Later, I held her until she fell asleep, which was the best.


There was this one big shed that had a massive diesel engine in it, like the size of a school bus big. Visitors could touch and climb on anything they wanted so Sara and went up top to check the oil and refill the windshield washer fluid. Down below we saw my brother Jason and my dad.


Locked up!


Right after Sara pulled this lever a prisoner somewhere was killed.
